Sunday, March 1, 2015

The "I"'s Have It

    Campaign season is a funny time of year.  Election time tends to bring out that all-important vowel: "I".  "I did this."  "I did that."  "I would've never done that."

    Anytime a Council Member or Mayor takes action, they had better hope at least three other people agree with them.  If they don't seek to build that consensus, they will end their first and only term on Council having achieved very little except for maybe having inflated their ego only to see it deflated on their way out of Town Hall.  If the citizens of any community wait around for Council Members (including Mayors) to deliver something new on their own, like a park or a street, those citizens will live a disappointed and frustrated life, spending their time walking on dirt roads that lead to empty fields rather than lush parkland.

    Each of us has a job to do in serving our community.  Our citizens willingly give us their trust and perhaps more hesitantly, their money through property and sales taxes.  They give of their time by volunteering to serve on boards and commissions and by assisting with public events.  Town staff does the heavy lifting.  They keep our streets and homes safe, our parks clean and useable, our water flowing.  Members of our staff work while we are sleeping and show up to rescue us when the house is on fire or when the front of our car meets the rear of the one in front of us.  Our Council does its job too but none of us does the job alone.  It's our job to lead without dictating.  It's our job to listen, not demand.  It's our job to serve while encouraging others to serve by our side.

    Serving a community as an elected official is not an "I" job.  Truly serving is a "We" job.
The past three years has seen our Town come a long way.  The trust you have put in your Town Council and in me has been rewarded with great new projects like the major improvements in our parks and new businesses which are lining up to make Little Elm home.  We have dramatically enhanced the aesthetic appeal of our community by replacing broken down fences along our major corridors and installed street lighting to increase the feeling of living in a safe and welcoming community.   We have redeveloped run-down businesses and shopping centers and removed those that were beyond saving.
    As a Town, we continue to strive toward excellence in all things.  In some areas, we have a way to go but make no mistake, our neighbors are watching and they take us seriously.  Little Elm is becoming a destination that is recognized throughout our region as a place to call home.  Nobody dragged us to this point on their own.  We have worked hard together, as a community, as neighbors.

    Together WE will continue to build a better community and WE will Accept Nothing Less Than Awesome.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

The past several weeks have seen a great deal change in Little Elm and I suppose, this change will continue for some time to come.  Like everyone else, I get a little nostalgic when I see some of the old buildings come down and I certainly notice when a new traffic signal goes up.  Some of these changes are just changes but others hit us where it counts.

Back in December, many of us attended the farewell service at the building that once served as the First Baptist Church of Little Elm and later as home to Praise Fellowship.  This was an emotional service attended by members of both church bodies.  I was given an opportunity to speak and as I took the stage, a memory entered my mind of the day my son, Reagan, was baptized there by Brad Sutton, now the Pastor of Point Church.  As I began my unprepared speech, my hands started to shake a little and I experienced an unexpected level of nervousness.  I suppose this was partly due to that fact that there were likely some in attendance who were not happy that the old building was coming down but it was also because that building, the landmark, had become part of the picture that I held in my head of the things that made up Little Elm.

Since the demolition of the building began, I've received a few phone calls and a few emails.  Most of these were from folks curious about plans for the site but some reached out to express their sadness that the building was gone.  It had become part of their picture too.  To each that I spoke with, I told them about the road improvements that would come so close to the front of the building and about the severe structural problems that existed within the building.  All were polite and understanding.  But one call came from a former member of the church who had helped put the roof on the building when it was expanded in the 1980's. 

This call was interesting to me because I didn't know too much about the timeline of the old building.  It seems that the western-most part of the building was erected in the 1950's, around the time that the lake was flooded.  This was the portion that was used for teen services when my kids attended.  The rest (the center structure and the main church building) were added later due to expansion.  We had a nice talk and the caller was very understanding.  He had actually been a member of the church when it moved to its new location on Walker, becoming Cross Ridge Church.  He told me that he understood the need for the building to come down.  The church had relocated for a reason.  It was falling apart and maintaining the old building was costing more than the building was worth.  At one point, he said "After all, a building is just a building.  The Church kept going.  Just in a new place".   

As we spoke, I heard that same nostalgia in the caller's voice that I felt when talking about the old building.  He didn't really care about the building itself.  He just didn't want to lose the memories and he didn't want to lose the things that made this "his town". 

Occasionally, I think about what I consider to be old Little Elm.  To some of the folks in town, my version of Little Elm is all new but to me, its old.  I still call the corner of King Road and FM 423 Four Corners.  And I still refer to the "Y" when I am directing someone to Little Elm Parkway even though the "Y" was further south.  I still call Eldorado on the west side of the lake Garza Lane.  I still remember where Miss Eva's place was and I still remember the Bottle Shop.  Maybe these habits will pass in time but I kind of hope I'm still referring to them thirty years from now, when I'm giving directions to someone who has recently moved to the area.

Each of us has our landmarks in Little Elm and while some of those will change in the coming months and years, we can still protect those that need to be protected.  The old Church of Christ on Main Street is one of these.  This nearly 150 year old building deserves to be revered by our community and protected as a part of our community's long history.  I guess just as important is making sure that the new things we build are worthy of the memories of future generations.  We all have a responsibility to make sure that the town we are building will endure and that the pride we develop is just as well deserved as that which was held by those who preceded us here.  It is important to remember that buildings and landmarks aren't the only things that make a town a great place to live or raise a family.

In the Little Elm Library, you can likely find a copy of a book titled "112 Years in Little Elm Community".  Page 132 holds a wonderful quote.  Unfortunately, it is not credited to any particular speaker or author but it is important to share, nonetheless.

"Your town is as good as you make it.  It's not all your town but it's all you that's good or bad, and if you want a good town you've got to make it good.  And if you don't like your town, it won't do you any good to pack your grip and go looking for a better home -- you don't just move into a good town, you make it good".

That about sums it up.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

A Look Toward Our Future

Tonight marked the beginning of the development of the Town's Strategic Visioning process.  To be honest, when I arrived, I was convinced that our staff had setup too many tables and way too many chairs but it wasn't long before the multi-purpose room at the Town's new Recreation Center was packed with those wanting to take part in the process.

A few weeks ago, the Town Council hired Randy Pennington, a consultant who has been through this process with many neighboring communities including Addison, Carrolton, Farmers Branch and many others.  In our case, Randy is basically the moderator, or as one resident put it, "The Composer".  And we, in attendance, were the orchestra.

Robert started the discussion throwing out the occasional topic, allowing residents to speak openly about where they see the Town going in the coming 10 to 15 years.  We covered a lot of topics ranging from traffic and infrastructure to business development and recreation options for kids and adults.  It was a great experience and one that will continue in coming weeks.

I look forward to seeing where our collective ideas take us as we define the Little Elm that our children and grandchildren will call home for decades to come.